
We offer parking places on the other side of the street next to the Kurpark.

Multi-storey car park

There is a multi-storey car park 100m away next to Königkarlstrasse 1 that you can use.

More details here Journey.

1961Born in Wuppertal
1981General school-leaving and university matriculation certificate
1982National service
1982 - 1988Studied dental medicine in Antwerp, Mainz and Erlangen
1988Obtained doctorate and license to practise
1988 - 1990Assistant dentist
1990Took over practice in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt
1998National certification as implantology specialist awarded by the European Association of Dental Implantologists
2004National certification as implantology specialist awarded by the European Dental Association
2015Curriculum Umwelt-ZahnMedizin
2020Curriculum Sportzahnmedizin